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MEET Your coach

Alan Wilson

Founder, Coach & Facilitator

Welcome to YouRevolution, I'm Alan, a qualified Life Coach and Wellness Facilitator, with a track record of guiding 500+ people through the challenges of change. My own experiences of navigating challenging life transitions, including relationship shifts, career changes, and lifestyle transformation, is the foundation for my commitment to supporting you on your journey.

As the Founder of YouRevoltion, I am dedicated to helping people navigate these pivotal life changes and embark on a journey of personal transformation. In addition to my coaching skills, I am well versed in guiding people using breathwork, shamanic practices and natural medicines to support the transformation process.

I've spent 16+ years as a senior HR professional, so I am also familiar with the intricacies of change that your career journey will bring. I have experience working across global companies helping them solve their people problems, driving engagement and improving employee output.


My personal experiences combined my skills and experience give me a unique perspective on helping those lacking confidence on their journey of change in a one-to-one and organisational setting.


Whatever choice you make about how best to navigate the shift in confidence you are seeking, I want you to know that you deserve support. It takes courage to want to do better in life especially when you are working through a period of change.


Keep Rising.

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