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Alan Wilson

Scotland Retreats | A Self-Growth Experience Like No Other In Perthshire

Scotland is rising! Scotland retreats, natural health facilitators, and supportive communities are now popping up – at a time when they’re needed most.

Because let’s be honest, the Scots need more than a little TLC these days.

We have the highest drugs death rate in Europe.

Suicide rates are at a 10-year high.

And more than 1 million people (1 in 5) are prescribed antidepressants to cope with life.

Meanwhile, alcoholism and drugs are the ugly side of this beautiful country, yet the standard ‘go-to’ for numbing emotions and trying to escape yourself.

In this article, we’re about to explore another way…

Another way to deal with the anxiety, depression, self-sabotage, and why life seems like such a repetitive mess at times.

Another way where you can finally discover your hidden emotional blocks, develop your self-awareness, and build the strength to take charge of your life rather than be at the mercy of it.

That’s exactly what’s happening for people every other week with natural health retreats hosted by CAIM in Highland Perthshire and run in collaboration with ourselves here at YouRevolution.

This article is going to be split into four sections:

* Part One: Why attending one of these retreats could be a complete game-changer for you (just like it has been for over 80 other people over the last 12 months).

* Part Two: How these regular retreats for men and women came to fruition, and the mission behind them.

* Part Three: What experiences you can expect by attending a retreat – and a description of each of the traditional medicines used.

* Part Four: The health benefits and how your life can be positively impacted by attending one of our retreats.

Scotland Retreats…Why Attending Ours Could Be A ‘Game-Changer’ For You

As you’re reading this now, please consider that you didn’t just land here by accident. Perhaps the idea to search for ‘Scotland retreats’ or something similar online wasn’t just a random thought in that busy mind of yours.

We strongly believe that everyone who comes into contact with the work we do at the CAIM & YouRevolution retreats are ready to do some inner work.

And that’s the key: you have the answers to your problems within you. It’s just a case of doing the necessary inner work – and we’re here with some tools, guidance, love, and support.

We’ll delve into exactly what these tools and safe, natural medicines are soon, but here's some feedback we had recently from a retreat participant.

“I feel like a different person since doing the work with you all, honestly best life decision I’ve ever made. I have made some life-changing decisions since coming to the retreat, I would never have made them if I didn’t come to you guys. I’m honestly so grateful.” Michelle, Ladies Retreat Participant.

Our Background & Our Mission

In 2020, YouRevolution first connected with health coach and facilitator Rory Lamont and his partner and fellow facilitator Shannon Brown, who founded and run CAIM, an immersive health and wellness retreat space in Highland Perthshire.

With both sides sharing a love for natural healing therapies, and following similar journeys of self-growth utilising traditional plant medicines, a strong partnership was formed.

The following year CAIM and YouRevolution collaborated to launch Scotland’s first ever day retreat specifically for men using a certain combination of natural medicines that originate in the Amazon jungle and natural healing tools (which we’ll explain more about shortly).

With so many men struggling mentally and emotionally in today’s society, our men’s retreats provided the brotherhood, connection, and collective strength so badly needed to help turn things around for guys from all over Scotland.

Men hitting the booze or drugs too often, struggling in their jobs, or going through a divorce. We’ve seen men of all ages, from all backgrounds, who have stepped away from the struggle – and stepped into their power by doing some serious inner work to let go of destructive patterns and behaviours.

The results from our retreat participants have been incredible from day one. They’re difficult for us to even put into words.

Naturally word spread and we began holding retreats more frequently – we’re now doing several a month and have a women-only event too.

That’s our background. But what about our mission?

Alan Wilson, of YouRevolution, said: “For me, it’s all about lifting people up in a country that needs it most.”

Rory Lamont, of CAIM, said: “This is The Work: to dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of awakening to the truth of who we are.”

Shannon Brown, of CAIM, added: “Our retreats assist individuals in remembering their innate wholeness, reconnecting and reawakening to who they really are.”

Attending One Of Our Retreats, Here’s What You Can Expect…

Participants: at the moment, we currently run one-day separate retreats for men and women, which involve up to six participants max.

Facilitators: there are no ‘healers’, ‘gurus’, or ‘leaders’ at our retreats. It’s all about empowering you to do the inner work necessary for your own self-growth and development.

We simply have facilitators who provide some guidance and support in your process. They are Rory Lamont, Shannon Brown, Alan Wilson, and Michael Roberts.

Medicines: we use several ‘tools’ which work synergistically and are extremely powerful for physical cleansing, mental clarity, emotional release, and helping to develop self-awareness.

These are primarily breathwork techniques, along with traditional medicines that have been used for thousands of years in the Amazon jungle.

Kambo: a unique medicine using the secretions of the giant monkey tree frog which contain numerous powerful healing peptides. Kambo is extremely effective for detoxification of the body, along with releasing heavy energies and stuck emotions. Rory is a fully-trained Kambo practitioner with the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP), and also works with its complementary medicines including rapé and sananga.

** For more information on Kambo, check out our YouRevolution documentary ‘Kambo Healing: Overcoming Anxiety With Frog Medicine’. You can find this on our YouTube Channel.

Rapé: there are various blends of rapé – which is essentially a mix of various sacred plants from the Amazon – and has numerous medicinal benefits. It helps focus and sharpen the mind, clears negative energies in your body, and provides a calming, grounding effect on the emotions.

Sananga: Amazonian eye drops which produce an intense inner experience and is known to have many medicinal and spiritual benefits, including energetic cleansing and improving vision.

Breathwork: while the kambo cleanse and rapé circle take place in the morning, a breathwork session unfolds in the afternoon and can take you on a deep journey within.

This particular form of breathwork is extremely powerful for releasing stuck emotions and accessing the subconscious mind, often allowing participants to gain valuable insights and information about themselves that would otherwise be hidden.

Food: A tasty, nutritious vegan lunch and dinner are served to each participant.

Timings: Retreats take place on Saturdays, from 9am until approximately 6.30pm, with the day concluding around 7.30pm/8pm.

The Health Benefits – And How Your Life Can Be Positively Impacted

Inner calm: many of our participants report feeling calm and a sense of peace following our one-day retreat. This is a natural by-product of thoroughly cleansing the body and mind.

Increased energy: while you may need a relaxing Sunday after the day’s events to recuperate, you can expect to see an increase in energy levels in the days and weeks ahead. This is down to releasing heavy, negative energies that have being weighing you down for years, if not decades in some cases.

Positive outlook: the mental health benefits can be profound, and this is actually down to clearing deep emotional blocks, which often keep you stuck in unhelpful patterns.

* Potential * physical health improvements: of course this is not guaranteed as every case is different, but kambo has been shown to have positive outcomes in everything from gut issues and brain fog to fibromyalgia and anxiety.

Have you been Googling ‘Scotland retreats’, feeling the call, and ready to take the next step on your self-growth journey?

Feeling stuck and not sure where to turn? Come join us at our regular men’s and women’s circles held at CAIM in Perthshire where there’s nothing to fear and everything to gain.

* To book a space at one of our upcoming retreats, get in touch (you may have to book 1-2 months in advance as spaces fill up quickly).

For more information, email:

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