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It's time to break free of imposter syndrome and level up your Career...

Introducing Transitions.

Are you standing at a crossroads in your career plagued by feelings of self-doubt, fear of failure and procrastination?

You have landed here because you are experiencing the crippling effects of what the 'experts' call Imposter Syndrome. You've been doing the certifications and training to fill all the knowledge gaps you 'think" you have. It's not helped.  


You've been reading all the self-help books, listened to all the podcasts, and you mentally trying to overcome these feelings...but you remain stuck in this unhealthy cycle.


Perhaps you are even spiralling into a deeper fog of despair and inside, still looking to prove all of the ways you don't fit in or worse, self-sabotaging?


These patterns and beliefs run deep; you believe that everything you do must be perfect, you procrastinate when you don't know the answer and you people please instead of expressing your own thoughts and needs. 


Despite everything you may have achieved thus far in your career and life, there's still a niggling lack of confidence and a belief that 'they know more than you" or "I'll get found out".


You are well equipped and have all the tools to give but when situations arise that require you to step into your power you run, freeze or fawn. You can change job, company, manager but the truth is that this problem is about what's going on inside you so no matter what you change on the outside, the problem isn't going to go away.


This change you seek requires you to understand the power of transitions.

Image by Artem Kovalev

the cost of not making a transition 

In the ever-evolving landscape of work, change is the only constant. As a human, you will often resist change instinctively, yet when you choose to welcome and embrace it, that’s when significant transformation occurs. Change is situational, but transition is the psychological and emotional process you must go through to integrate change because you cannot have a new beginning without something ending.


The ending you are seeking to your feelings of unworthiness, self-doubt and fear of failure will only come when you truly examine what is keeping you stuck in these self-harming patterns of thinking.


The consequences of not addressing your inner feelings of lack will have significant implications across all aspects of your career and life;


  • Earning Less as your lack of self-belief holds you back from advancing up the career ladder.

  • Career Stagnation because the perfectionist in you chases the prizes instead of the process of learning.

  • Loss of Trust as the masks you are wearing hide your true identity and your talent from those who could support you most.

  • Consistently Failing in your career and life goals because you are stuck in a freeze of doubt about what is best for you.

  • Burn Out as your feelings of unworthiness drive you deeper into over-work to avoid you perceived pain of failure.

  • Poor Working Relationships because people pleasing means you never learn the value of healthy conflict resolution.

  • Fear-Based Decisions continue to run your life and block you from fulfilling your potential.


Ditch The Doubt & Take Back Your Power

You've heard one possible version of the future should you continue to allow your imposter syndrome to run your life and career, now let me take you on a journey into another version of the future that is entirely possible for you. In three months time, you have ditched the doubt and taken back your power.


Picture this, you've secured the next major leap on your career journey and for the first time, there's an inner knowing of your value and a rock solid mindset. Where doubt and fear used to creep, you now stand in sovereignty and strength after doing the inner work necessary to transform your imposter syndrome into fuel for your growth.


In the words of boxing legend "Marvellous" Marvin Hagler, it's time to feed the faith and starve the doubt! If it's not the next career leap then maybe it's fulfilling a long-held passion by starting a side-gig to bring more meaning and connection into your life. The point is that to arrive at that new beginning, you must let go of these thoughts and feelings of unworthiness.


How can my Transitions programme help you? It's obvious that you have a change problem otherwise you probably wouldn't be here, right? Except change is not the source of your struggles. Change is natural, it's happening all of the time and it includes the new responsibilities in your job, the promotion, shifts in ways of working, new leadership, new strategy and all the stuff you have to navigate in your job.


Life too has it's changes including shifts in relationships, adjustments to lifestyle, moving home and all the grown-up parts of our world.The true challenge you face is transition which is the human side of change and it's the place you must meet yourself fully in order to let go of these feelings of self-doubt, perfectionism and fear of not being good enough.


The journey of transition can be broken down into the 3 distinct stages, each one holds significance as you tread the path of moving beyond your imposter syndrome.


Stage One (The Ending) is the phase where you confront the painful emotions that are keeping you stuck on the imposter loop - they may be the source of the discomfort or a product of the discomfort. It doesn't really matter, the only way through this stage is feeling and witnessing the accumulated emotional charge that is perpetuating the feelings of unworthiness.


Anger, grief, frustration, sadness, self-criticism, fear and rejection can surface until you arrive at a place of acceptance and compassion for yourself. 


Stage Two (The Neutral Zone) is a sort of no man's land where you have looked the perfectionism, people pleasing and fear-based decision-making in the eye and cast off the heaviness you once felt about yourself, your talent and your place in this world.


In the neutral zone, you are no longer attached but your new beginning has not yet been made manifest hence nothing is solid. This is a challenging state to inhabit because the false beliefs of the past have dissolved but you have not fully channelled your innate power and authenticity, the key ingredients needed to welcome in the new mindset and new beginning. 


Stage Three (New Beginning) is the moment you rise like a phoenix from the flames and engulf your life with your inner fire. This is where you plant your new rock-solid mindset in the centre of your life and radiate confidence, creativity and self-belief. Starting something new can be daunting but learning the power of transitions gives you the resilience you need to succeed.


Whether it's a new job, a promotion, taking on a side-gig or just stepping into your life with confidence, this is the phase of your journey where bloom to your full potential and let the world see your gifts without the niggling doubts of imposter syndrome. 


I have given you my formula for success but if you want an experienced coach, with direct experience of overcoming imposer syndrome and a track record for helping over 500+ on their own personal transformations then join me on the Transitions programme.

What You’ll Gain:



Struggling to see a way through your current situation and experiencing stress as you navigate imposter syndrome? I will guide you through the deep-seated beliefs and energies holding you back to a place of self-acceptance. I will help you humanise, an essential part of healing from imposter syndrome.



Finding it difficult to handle the interpersonal challenges and tensions that come from constantly trying to people please, be perfect and navigate fear? I will help you develop the self-awareness you need to show up authentically, confidently and in your personal power. Learn to be yourself, everyone else is taken.


Personal Growth:

Haunted by strong emotions and attachments that are stopping you from progressing beyond events that have caused you to doubt yourself? I will help you examine your responses and transform limiting beliefs into empowering actions, in a safe, trauma-informed space. I will support you every step of the way!



Struggling to be consistent with your boundaries or maintaining a balanced lifestyle during the transitions journey? I will help you stay on track by being your accountability partner as you re-programme your confront the beliefs you hold about yourself. You are not alone on this path of confronting imposter syndrome.



Falling back into old ways of thinking, destructive habits and overwhelming emotions under the tensions and stress of change? I've been there! Let me help you build the unwavering strength to face your imposter syndrome and emerge as the confident and talented person you came here to be. Success rests upon your resilience.


Lasting Change:

​Change is hard to sustain in a toxic world that wants to keep us stuck. I will help you develop a toolkit for sustainable transformation that helps you continually meet the challenges of imposter syndrome. Develop a toolkit that you can carry into the rest of your career to live with purpose and authenticity. 

Who Should Join Transitions?

Transitions is a cutting-edge Coaching Programme for professionals who want to overcome imposter syndrome.


The programme carefully interlocks tested change methodologies with a coaching framework that supports a profound shift in confidence over a 3 month period.


Transitions is the perfect programme if you are ready to:

  • Increase your earning potential over time

  • Prepare for a new role, promotion or greater levels of responsibility

  • Step out of perfectionism and into growth mode

  • Trust yourself as conscious creators in your working life

  • Snap out of freeze mode and hit your career goals consistently 

  • Avoid burn out and understand your value beyond work

  • Learn the power of using your voice and develop boundaries that create lasting, healthy working relationships

  • Ditch fear-based decisions and make career choices in alignment with skills, goals and ambitions

  • Discern who is a good energy match for you when it comes to selecting new roles, colleagues and managers

Programme Details

Prepare Phase - Setting Foundations


Deep-Dive Into Your Journey

Begin your journey of transition with a 90 minute screening of your current career and life situation. This preparatory step sets the scene for the work we will do by asking you to get radically honest about the thoughts and emotions you are entertaining, the triggers for your imposter syndrome and any experiences that may have negative consequences for your ability to trust yourself.


This is about building trust within yourself, humanising your journey, and getting real about your experiences. It's a vital point of connection with me as your coach as we create a relationship of deep trust. Safety in the coaching connection is critical, we cannot make progress as a team unless we understand and trust each other. 


Diagnose Phase - SPOT System


SPOT Method

Learn the powerful SPOT method I have designed to empower you to identify when the thoughts and feelings of doubt, fear and unworthiness are coming up. In a short space of time, you will be able to quickly understand the triggers that are keeping you stuck and most importantly, learn an approach that will help you reposition these triggers. 


Gratitude Journalling

You will receive a free YouRevolution Gratitude Diary and a Worksheet on how to utilise your Gratitude Journal and the SPOT method to reframe your imposter syndrome. 


Define Phase - Transformational Coaching Sessions (6x)


Transformational Coaching

Jump fully into the transformational power of the Transitions programme with 6 x one-to-one coaching sessions that allow you the space to explore the feelings and thoughts of imposter syndrome in the context of taking action to resolve it.


Areas we will focus on include:

- Past Experiences and how they may be blocking you from maximising your career potential

- Beliefs and how change the beliefs you hold about yourself and others is key to overcoming imposter syndrome

- Recurring Patterns and how these are feeding the narratives that keep you stuck in a cycle of lack

- Your Blueprint For The Future and it's importance for arriving at a new beginning beyond imposter syndrome

- Action and why it's only through conscious, inward action can you move beyond imposter syndrome

- Measures of success and how this feeds your thinking and actions around imposter syndrome


Implement Phase - The Energetics of Imposter Syndrome 


Curated Session

This step is an online session designed to take you deep into your body to reveal, and resolve, the energetic manifestations of imposter syndrome. After your experience of working through imposter syndrome using the Transformational Coaching framework, it's time to put your intention to be free of the baggage that's holding you back into an energetic container.


Unfortunately, you can't just talk your way out of imposter syndrome hence I will facilitate a powerful energetic process that aims to clear the unhelpful energies you are holding within your energetic body. This step is curated with you and may involve several powerful modalities including breathing, bodywork and energy healing. This will be facilitated over a day or evening depending on what tools are being utilised.


I may also bring in an additional facilitator help guide this process of inner transformation depending on what tools we agree are best to help you overcome the fear-based programming. 


This is a potent step on your journey forward, a breakthrough moment for you to come to deeper insights and experience yourself beyond the limitations of your mind.


Sustain Phase - Wellbeing Videos On-Demand (x6) and an Integration Session.


On-Demand Video 

In preparation for your new beginning and life beyond the grip of imposter syndrome, you will have access to 6 On-Demand Wellbeing Videos to help you anchor your progress to solid daily practices that will sustain the transition you are moving through. These Videos were developed in collaboration with one of Scotland’s most successful Coaches and are available anytime and accessible for life.


Integration Session

The final step on this journey is an Integration session, lasting up to 2 hours. This is a space to unpack the journey and reflect on the progress you have made. It will be a chance to align your goals and celebrate your success in a safe and supportive environment. 

Meet Your Coach

Founder, Coach & Facilitator

My mission is to support people like you through the trials of imposter syndrome and build an incredible career. I have worked through many challenging transitions in my own life, each one serving as an initiation to new levels of self-understanding and expansion.


From the loss of my brother, which triggered the start of my own transformation journey, navigating divorce as a father and moving through destructive patterns.


However, the biggest challenge I have overcome has been imposter syndrome and never feeling enough in my career. In 2020, this came to a head when I found myself out of work and facing the prospect of perceived failure, largely due to my own imposter syndrome.  


But, with some perspective, inner work, coaching and acceptance of my journey, this turned to be a salient moment where I resolved my imposter syndrome and my career and life have scaled to new heights.


After doing this work, I was able to add £30,000 to my base salary within two years, become a global Head of People and launch my own wellbeing business (YouRevolution).


I am living proof of what's possible when we ditch the doubt and embrace our power.


Over the last few years I have been working with hundreds of people through my coaching, retreats and events and helping them through their own unique transformation journey. The major theme I have witnessed most has been the recurring problem of people never feeling enough and how it holds them back from achieving the life and career they want.


Through skills as a Coach and Facilitator, combined with my lived experience and my transitions framework, I want to help you build an incredible career that brings you the financial fulfilment you are seeking.


Alan Wilson


Areas of Experience


  • Certified Life Coaching (Courage Coaching Academy)

  • Senior HR Leader, 16+ Years Experience In Global Organisations

  • CIPD - Chartered Member 

  • MSc Human Resources



  • Breathwork Practices 

  • Energy Healing (Reiki & Shamanic Practices)

  • Retreat Leader - 600+ People Supported via Transformational Retreats


Ready to Take Action?

It's time to break free of imposter syndrome and level up your career

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Schedule your Free Discovery Call.



“I was lost, overwhelmed and crippled with anxiety. I didn’t know how to get out the negative cycle I was in. Having my second child during lockdown took its toll, I tried counselling with the NHS but left feeling worse so decided to spend the day in retreat with Alan.

My life honestly changed that day. Since then, I’ve faced my fears, relocated from Scotland to Cornwall, left my 9-5 and set up my own business to create the life I’d always dreamed of. I now have purpose, balance, and drive like never before because my mindset has completely shifted.”

~ Michelle Green, Scotland

  • How can I pay?
    You can pay in full via the YouRevolution website. For those feeling called to this offering but who need to spread out their payments, don't sweat it, I've got you covered. I'm happy to work out a payment plan that works for best you and your circumstances, just request this either on email or our Discovery Call.
  • What's the content of the On-Demand videos?
    The On-Demand videos are part of a series of videos recorded to help you revolutionise your wellbeing. Each lesson and video are around 15 minutes in length and provides principles and guidance on how to improve your wellbeing. There are a total of 6 lessons for you to access, anytime, anywhere and for life, these include: - The Power of Daily Gratitude Practice - The Healing Benefits of Connecting With Nature - Practicing Being Present And How It Will Change Your Life - The Positive Effects Of Morning Routine - Setting Boundaries To Navigate Life With More Certainty - Practices And Wisdom On Self-Love This content will give you an opportunity to explore different ways to cultivate wellness in your life and will be available to you from the moment you sign-up to Transitions. These practices can be a strong anchor in your life as you navigate the change process and go more deeply into beliefs and values in our coaching sessions.
  • How do I schedule sessions?
    Scheduling is flexible and can be tailored around your availability. Once you sign up, we’ll work together to find convenient times for your sessions.
  • Are the sessions online or in-person
    Coaching sessions are online entirely
  • What if I need to reschedule a session?
    Life happens, and I understand. If you need to reschedule, so long as you provide at least 24hrs notice, we can find an alternative date and time to suit.
  • How is coaching different to therapy or counselling?
    Coaching focuses on the present and future, helping you set and achieve goals. Therapy often addresses past issues. Counselling primarily deals with specific issues, such as mental health issues. I will work with you during the Discovery process to determine if Transitions is right for you. If it's not, then I will direct you to my network of qualified experts who are better placed to support you. You matter and I always operate with integrity so finding you the right support is part of this process.
  • How long does the coaching programme last?
    Your sessions with be over 3 months although depending on the content and your availability, this may vary. You will have access to 6 on-demand videos which you can choose to work through in parallel to the coaching sessions or after.
  • Is coaching confidential?
    Yes, coaching is strictly confidential. We adhere to ethical standards, ensuring privacy and trust throughout.
  • Are you certified and registered with a recognised professional body?
    I am a certified Life Coach, having made a significant investment in my training. I am also awaiting accreditation by the ICF to provide you with maximum quality assurance.
Image by Alvin Lenin

If you are serious about taking your career to the next level, ditching the doubt and embracing your full potential then...

Make your Transition

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